“Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:7-8 KJV
These verses jumped out at me when I read them. According to these verses abusive husbands are sowing to their flesh and reaping corruption, but many churches today are mocking God. How? By trying to make a person reap what he or she did not sow.
When an abused wife goes to her pastor for help and he tells her to go home and submit more, pray more, but does nothing to hold the man who sowed to his flesh accountable, he (or she) is mocking God. And usually the pastor has the support of the whole church group. Because of the pastor’s emphasis on wife submission and disregard for the directive to husbands to love their wives self-sacrificially like Christ loved the church, the pastor and his congregation helps the person who has sown to his flesh to reap kindness and life for the corruption he has sown. But the wife, who has sown kindness, good faith, and forgiveness, reaps the evil that her husband has sown. Their children often reap the corruption the abuser has sown, too. This corruption, this toxic poison that corrupts a person often shows up as illness, as inability to do well in school, an inability to accomplish much in life.
God is not fooled by the pastors trying to put the wrong harvest on the wrong person. The abuser will still reap corruption, in spite of the church holding the wrong person accountable. And the life the wife reaps is often an early death. Isn’t it ironic that some churches fight the killing of unborn babies, but support the drawn-out destruction that leads to the eventual killing of wives and children? First of their spirits, and then of their bodies.
What corruption does the abuser reap? His wife and children cannot trust him, and often don't believe him. They have to deceive him at times just to escape his irrational rage. He ends up with more doctor bills as his wife and children develop more sicknesses and chronic diseases or syndromes. A side-effect he is totally unaware of is that his wife and children are more accident-prone. They are more likely to accidentally break things because part of their attention always has to be on the lookout for the monster in their lives, and that, too, costs him more money. And as he goes deeper and deeper into sin, he may eventually reap trouble from the law of the land.
So how does the law of sowing and reaping affect pastors and their churches who try to make sure the abuser reaps good from his evil? I’ll discuss that in the next post.
Waneta Dawn is the author of "Behind the Hedge, A novel" Please visit www.wanetadawn.com
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